Enjoy your time off ! Last Day of School December 20 Additional Student Holidays Jan 6-7 Teacher PL & Workdays Jan 6-7 Return to School Jan 8
about 1 hour ago, Michael Best
It's the season of giving, stop by Eastside Elementary tomorrow to donate blood.
about 4 hours ago, Eastside Elementary
Blood Drive
Join us for Lunch & Learn on December 19th! Eat lunch with your student and leave with a Grab & Go Literacy Recipe! Adult lunch will be $4.75 per plate. Pay cash to the Nutrition Staff during lunch.
7 days ago, Eastside Elementary
Lunch and Learn-English
Lunch and Learn
Holiday Spirit Week!
7 days ago, Eastside Elementary
Holiday Spirit Week
Holiday Spirit Week-Spanish
Join us for our Winter Chorus Concert!
7 days ago, Eastside Elementary
Chorus Concert
Chorus Concert-Spanish
BOE Meeting Change for December
10 days ago, Michael Best
BOE meeting
Thank You students and teachers for a job well done!
26 days ago, Michael Best
Grady County Schools will be closed to observe the Thanksgiving holiday so our students and staff may spend the holiday with family and friends. We are so grateful for all of our students and staff and their families . Grady County Schools will be closed November 25-29.
27 days ago, Michael Best
Thank you bus drivers for keeping our students safe!!
about 2 months ago, Michael Best
bus safety
Celebrating Red Ribbon Week - October 21st - 25th!
2 months ago, Eastside Elementary
Red Ribbon Week 1
Red Ribbon Week 2
Vacaciones estudiantiles del 9 al 14 de octubre
2 months ago, Michael Best
Student Holidays Oct. 9-14
2 months ago, Michael Best
Congratulations to our students who performed well on the 2023-24 Georgia Milestones math assessments. These scores are a reflection of the hard work of our students and teachers system wide!
2 months ago, Michael Best
October menu
3 months ago, Michael Best
Oct menu
October menu
Thank you Grady County School Principals for all you do!!
3 months ago, Michael Best
Principals month
Grady County Schools and Offices Re-Open Monday September 30 Regular Hours
3 months ago, Michael Best
Schools re-open
State Authorities have determined the list of schools being threatened and circulated online is a hoax. The screen shot being posted on social media is not a threat but someone posting a message about that threat. Grady County Schools will have all officers on standby at all schools. The screenshot has been sent to state and local authorities.
3 months ago, Michael Best
Attention Parents:
3 months ago, Michael Best
Student and Staff Holiday Monday September 2,2024 Labor Day Holiday
4 months ago, Michael Best
Labor Day
** ATTENTION PARENTS AND GUARDIANS** After redeterminations for Medicaid that ended in May, many students may have lost healthcare coverage, leaving them without necessary medications and treatment. PeachCare for Kids is a medical assistance program that provides healthcare coverage for Georgia children in low-income families. PeachCare and Medicaid currently provide over 1.9 million children with healthcare benefits and, for little to no cost, can help students and families who might find themselves without coverage. Please review the memo linked below, which includes additional information along with resources you can share with families during back-to-school events like Open House and registration. Families need access to information regarding PeachCare now. Communicating the availability and links for application could provide families with life-saving information. Additional Information: PeachCare Memo and Resources https://lor2.gadoe.org/gadoe/file/ce426656-fb37-4fbb-a4ac-f4df5d08e915/1/Peachcare%20Memo.pdf --
5 months ago, Michael Best